The State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt does not only see itself as a place of political decisions, but as a meeting place. During the past years, the information offer for visitors of all ages has been extended continuously. Yearly, on average 13,000 guests visit the State Parliament.
For this purpose, the State Parliament’s visitor service composes “program modules” for visitors of all age. Besides a tour through the buildings, meetings with delegates can be arranged as well.

Photo: Landtag
Visiting plenum meetings
If you can’t visit Saxony-Anhalt or specifically Magdeburg, you can still follow a piece of what is happening on site. In a live-stream on our web-site all meetings of the State Parliament are submitted, live and barrier-free. If you are planning to visit the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt, please reserve early.
Young people in the State Parliament
How are laws made? What does the budgetary right of the parliament mean? With these and similar questions young people find themselves confronted during their social studies classes. Here, the visitors’ service of the State Parliament meets visitors at eye level. Special role plays should help to better understand the functionality of a parliament and the democratic processes. In the plenum – either at the lectern or from the delegate’s seat – the exchange of arguments to a certain theme takes place.
Contacting the State Parliament
Landtag von Sachsen-Anhalt
Referat Medien- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Besucherdienst und Protokoll
Domplatz 6 – 9
39104 Magdeburg
Tel.: 0391/560-1230
Fax: 0391/560-1123