The State Parliament to read
The State Parliament’s information offers are very diverse. On the homepage brochures, flyers, citizen’s guides and the State Parliament’s magazine “ZwischenRuf” can be downloaded for free (in German) for all visitors.

Photo: Landtag/Ideengut
Laws and regulations
Like every legislative and public authority, the State Parliament and all its employees must abide by laws and regulations. Furthermore, the State Parliament has its own rules of procedure. All rule collections can be downloaded (in German) in PDF.
Parliamentarians in overview
Who is delegated in the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt, from which state’s area does he/she come, and in which committees does he/she work? (available in German)
The State Government’s homepage
On its own homepage, Saxony-Anhalt’s State Government informs about its works and about the interests of Saxony-Anhalt. This information is also available in English andFrench.
Parliaments in Germany
Germany consists of 16 State Parliaments, the German Parliament “Bundestag” and the Federal Council “Bundesrat”. Please see the links to the relevant internet presences.
Overview: internet presences of other German State Parliaments